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Here are some resources for those seeking information on anxiety.

relationship stress

Dealing with Relationship Stress and COVID 19

Quarantine doesn’t come with a rulebook. You’ve never had this type of relationship stress before, so it makes sense you will need new tools.
Uncertainty, fear, worry, lack of personal space, routine, and not knowing when this could all come to an end are going to cause conflict.

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living alone

Alone but Not Lonely: Living Alone During the Covid-19 Quarantine

Living alone during normal times can feel like a calm from the storm of all the demands, noise, and busy-ness of your work and social life. However, when your home also becomes your office and your friends are all on the outside, knowing how to survive the lack of human contact becomes confusing.

Alone but Not Lonely: Living Alone During the Covid-19 Quarantine Read More »

family boundaries

Family Boundaries: Now that your spouse is your co-worker…

Like many of my clients, you survived week one working from home through a haze of shock, worry, and interrupted routines. This week you have decided that you want to have a plan in place as to how to best navigate what appears to be at least several months of working under the same roof and possibly even the same room as your partner and family. You want to be able to do more than just keep the peace and be cordial with your unexpected office mate. You want to be able to actually feel productive while avoiding feeling resentful of your partner because of too much-forced togetherness. You’ve probably decided that you need to set up a new set of rules as to how best to co-work without emotional distancing. You need family boundaries. 

Here a set of guidelines I have been suggesting my clients put into place while waiting out the quarantine:

Family Boundaries: Now that your spouse is your co-worker… Read More »

Dana McNeil Wellness Authority Magazine

Mental Wellness is a Spectrum: 5 Things to Improve Your Mental Health

Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Beau Henderson for Authority Magazine. Beau is a syndicated columnist and radio host, and he is great to talk to. It was truly a pleasure to be a part of this series on improving mental wellness.
Just for my website readers, I’ve included some highlights from this interview. Without further ado, here are my picks for the top 5 things you can do to improve your mental wellness.

Mental Wellness is a Spectrum: 5 Things to Improve Your Mental Health Read More »

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