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Here are some resources for those seeking information on general topics.

Ways To Reflect On the Year Gone By

2022 is coming to a close. Knowing how to reflect on the year gone by is a form of self-assessment so you can be a better version of yourself. With an end-of-year reflection, you’ll assess your own performance from an impartial and honest perspective. You’ll sit down and focus on how well you did in some areas, which areas you should improve on, and how you’ll improve on them.  Of course, there will be certain […]

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enjoy the holidays

Ways to Enjoy the Holidays – Main Street Living

This has been a crazy year for everyone, and navigating life and the holidays is a bit more challenging. People are looking for ways to enjoy the holidays this year given our limited physical connection with friends and family.

I had the privilege of sharing my thoughts for enjoying the holidays with Cheryl Nelson and Danielle Alvari on a recent episode of Main Street Living. You can watch the clip here.

It’s ok to feel your feelings, but you should also look for the silver lining in your current circumstances. Things won’t always be this way.

Here are some of my tips for staying connected during what could otherwise be an isolating holiday season…

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conference speaker

Guest Speaker: Modern Therapist Conference

I’m privileged to be selected as a guest speaker at this year’s Therapy Reimagined Modern Therapist Conference!

Special thanks to Curt Widhalm and Katie Vernoy of Therapy Reimagined for always making this such a great event and for inviting me to participate.

This is the 3rd annual Modern Therapist Conference. I have attended both of the prior conferences and found them to be so informative, engaging, and inspirational.  In addition to top-notch keynote speakers, the conference has several break-out sessions, panels, and opportunities for continuing education. The conference also provides a great opportunity to network, make new friends in the therapy world, and learn new ways to think about the issues we face in today’s ever-changing world! To be selected as a guest speaker is an honor, and I’m excited to be a part of it.

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Social Distancing

Disagreeing About Social Distancing?

I recommend my clients approach each other with an attitude of being more curious than furious about your partner’s differing position. Your partner is not opposing you just to be difficult or obstinate about social distancing. When you can approach your partner with an open attitude of wanting to really understand what is driving their thought process you start off the conversations from a gentler approach, which promotes compassion and compromise.

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The Fear of Trusting: Pistanthrophobia

Pistanthrophobia is the fear of trusting others and is often the result of experiencing a serious disappointment or painful ending to a prior relationship. As a result of the trauma, the person with this phobia possesses a fear of getting hurt again and avoids being in another relationship as a way to guard against future similar painful experiences. When this happens, you’re unable to have a future relationship that may help you gain perspective or understanding as to why the prior relationship may not have been a good fit to begin with.

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living with an ex

Living With An Ex During Coronavirus?

Living with an ex is common these days. There are many reasons that couples make the decision to stay living together even when the relationship has ended. Most of the reasons my clients give revolve around finances and children. However, during this COVID-19 crisis, living together with your ex may cause additional stress and frustration making your reasons to stay in the first place seem insignificant!

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relationship stress

Dealing with Relationship Stress and COVID 19

Quarantine doesn’t come with a rulebook. You’ve never had this type of relationship stress before, so it makes sense you will need new tools.
Uncertainty, fear, worry, lack of personal space, routine, and not knowing when this could all come to an end are going to cause conflict.

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living alone

Alone but Not Lonely: Living Alone During the Covid-19 Quarantine

Living alone during normal times can feel like a calm from the storm of all the demands, noise, and busy-ness of your work and social life. However, when your home also becomes your office and your friends are all on the outside, knowing how to survive the lack of human contact becomes confusing.

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